Número 39, may-ago 2016 PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico


Foundations and Debate

  • Henry A. Giroux
    Youth, Higher Education and the Role of Public Intellectuals

    Abstract: The original project of the higher education institutions emerged supported by important historical values: sense of organized responsibility, democracy, civic compromise, justice, own thinking and common good. In the context of neoliberalism, a project governed by the logic of the market logic, privatization, deregulation, has propelled the metamorphosis of universities that degrades their rectors to mere administrators operating as Principal Executive Officers without high academic standards or commitment civic, responding unilaterally to entrepreneurs or investors. This contradiction has created a serious impact on the youth of the United States, one of the richest countries in the world, the neoliberal model has led to falling living standards of youth.

  • Francisco Cantamutto / Agostina Costantino
    Development mode in recent Argentina

    Abstract: The article discusses the conceptualization of the recent historical stage in Argentina. Looking to order the debate between continuity and change, the use of the concept of development mode is proposed to organize the analysis. Thus, it is argued that the period 2002-2015 represents a new phase in the same development mode since the last dictatorship. Structural continuities that are detected in the economic and political dimensions in favor of the most concentrated sectors of capital are combined with some changes in macroeconomic matters. To exaggerate any of both features constitutes a biased characterization of the period.

  • Ronald Alejandro Macuacé Otero
    Research as element crucial for the development of Latin America. Trends and Prospects

    Abstract: Latin America has lived dependent development processes, which beyond achieving the desired objective, plunged it into continuous setbacks, as a result of asymmetrical relationships which have lasted for a long time. In this regard, it should be recognized that research gradually comes forward in the consolidation of generating structural changes in the region, since it is thought as a relevant and dynamic knowledge, and appropriate interaction between different components of the National Research Systems - NRS. The document exposes the characteristics of the knowledge, showing the importance of the role that the university plays in the actuality and its core functions. On the other hand, it presents the Latin-American panorama on research and development, articulating the levels of investment with the production of goods and services; with it, it’s evident the importance of articulation between the different acts of the National Research System – NRS and the necessary mechanism that lets the interrelationship required to generate synergy and dynamism, so that it has an effect on the changes required by the region.

Articles and Miscellany

  • Ana Romero / Bethel Salazar / Adalberto de Hoyos
    On the fact and value dichotomy: an analysis on the gender perspective in scientific production

    Abstract: This paper reviews the concept of strong objectivity, which presupposes that from a multidisciplinary perspective the scientific and technological activities converge and allow multiple theoretical, methodological and applied views. Far from affecting the objectivity of science these diverse perspectives strengthen our knowledge of reality and our intervention on it. Following this proposal, the outlook of a research with an appropriate gender perspective will enrich the scientific and technological activities in knowledge societies. It is of great importance that educational institutions and those which develop research are gender equitable so that the scientific and technological perspectives do not leave aside the specific needs of the female population. The former will allow to move towards social justice. In this paper offers data on the existing disproportion between women’s participation in technological careers, as well as some public policies that may help to improve this situation.

  • María Ángeles Pérez Martín
    The environmentalism and the capitalist production of space

    Abstract: In the production of all capitalist spaces there is an ideological component as well as a more visual material component. At the time of the production of the environmental spaces both components are articulated, giving rise to specific “spacialities”, reflection of that specific discourse as forms of realization. This articulation between the discourse and the material, goes together with the “spaciality” that produces, reproducing it constantly, and at the same time feeding on its own creation, in a process that is necessarily dialectic. The article focuses specifically on analyzing this ideological component that produce institutional and dominant environmentalism spaces, and which processes facilitates.

  • Elías Alvarado Lagunas / Oscar Javier De la Garza Garza / Adriana Verónica Hinojosa Cruz
    Methodology for evaluating a museum restoration project: Regional Museum of Anthropology “Carlos Pellicer Cámara”

    Abstract: In the present article proposes a support guide for the formulation and presentation of a draft investment in infrastructure for cultural services, specifically to a proposed museum restoration in the Regional Museum of Anthropology “Carlos Pellicer Cámara” in the state of Tabasco. The purpose of the case study is to determine whether the project in question is socio-economically profitable. To do this, the indicator of Net Present Value (NPV) and Internal Rate of Return (IRR) were calculated on evaluation horizon thirty years. The results show that the project is socio-economically profitable, with an NPV of $ 56,336,005.16 (Fifty-six hundred thirty-six thousand five million pesos 16/100 M.N.) and an IRR of 22.51 percent which is higher than the social discount rate ten percent stipulated by the Investment Unit of the Secretaría de Hacienda y Crédito Público.

  • Jesús Amador Valdés Díaz de Villegas
    Economic growth and development. A dilemma of today`s reality

    Abstract: Growth and development are two aspects of great interest in the studies and research carried out within the field of social sciences. Especially in the economy, that have changed aspects, theoretical undergoing a process of metamorphosis, in the era of globalization. The advent of globalization has shelved the study related to the development to focus only on economic growth, falling in the same deterministic positions in the economic sphere that once were criticized Marx. The dynamics of development and changes experienced in globalization, especially after the crisis that erupted in the second half of 2008, demand falling back on the dialectics of these concepts, taking into account this reality our goal in this paper is to discuss aspects of interest that make paradigm shifts in economic policy with the advent of globalization as a historical stage of social development and the issues that flow from it in debate on growth and development.