Número 27, 2012 PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico


Foundations and Debate

  • José Guadalupe Gandarilla Salgado
    A new reading of history: from the system of five hundred to the system of two hundred years

    Abstract: The standard explanation of the path to modernity or, if preferred, the building of capitalism as a project that has come to encompass the whole world has come to establish a “canon” of reading which, although very recently, discursive hegemony has been cracked continues to be treated as “common place” in many discussions. Such construct set up a joint between a general theory of universal claim and a specific condition that is at the base of the alleged relative advancement that is given to a cultural and geographical complex (entity which will be called Europe) which tends to unstuck and to command the rest of the world at a specific moment in history and for peculiar reasons. The paper offers some plot strands that question this canon of interpretation in the spirit of offering a different kind of reading that can, on one hand glimpse of how best periodization of modernity and restore the dignity of other cultures in a process that is becoming apparent that the current era will be of the philosophical dialogue and that it can start by pointing out more humility to the euro-western domination of the world (in the framework of theorizing that is promised as the passage of the five hundred years system to the two hundred years system) in order to measure the true extent of the interculturality.

  • Patricia Nettel
    New Spain, the crisis of the seventeenth century and baroque modernity in Sor Juana Ines de la Cruz

    Abstract: This article is about Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz life and work as seen not from a literary or poetical stand point, but rather from an historic one. Its aim is to better understand the crisis of the Baroque Century through an account that makes explicit the social, economic and political values of the baroque society and culture. The latter is considered in its ethnological meaning. In other words, the issue I would like to raise is how Sor Juana as a major poet was first an actor of the Novospanish Society through her poetic works and eventually became a victim of the social, political and religious forces of that society. This kind of historic analysis has direct antecedent in Antonio Maravall book /El mundo social de la Celestina/ Other references, maybe more important, are the Symbolic Anthropology, and authors like C. Geertz, M. Bajtine, E. Le Roy Ladurie, R. Darton and C. Ginzburg who make use of ethnological approaches in their cultural historical analysis. I also want to point out that I used as guide Octavio Paz’s book /Sor Juana Inés de la Cruzo las trampas de la fe/ for all literary and poetic aspects and much more.

Articles and Miscellany

  • Juan González García/Carlos Gómez Chiñas
    Suggestions for a policy of internationalization of mexican higher education in the second decade of the XXI century

    Abstract: In this paper, we propose that Mexico has been redefined its higher education policy to education quality, with external evaluation and accountability mechanisms. If is true that increasing the quality of higher education has a relation do with the processes of assessment, accreditation, certification and continuous improvement, there are still some deficiencies in the level, preventing lead to the achievement of a goal in comprehensive improvement of higher education. One of them is related with the aim of internationalizing higher education institutions. Although there are institutions that have consolidated its internationalization process, there is still a marked failure on the part of other institutions, where has not yet begun or has begun disintegrating so this process. This paper outlines a set of guidelines to comply, to the Mexican higher education subsystem it can generate a policy and internationalization strategies that not only conforms to international trends that are leading some of the most prestigious educational institutions in the world, it must be inserted into the education policy objectives that, conducive to the modernization of higher education and also foster a better integration into international flows of mobility in higher education.

  • Zacarías Torres Hernández/José César Lenin Navarro Chávez/Rodrigo Gómez Monge
    The efficiency of the education sector in major cities of Michoacan, 2000-2009

    Abstract: This research examines the theoretical and methodological contributions of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA), also carried out a review of various studies that have applied this technique to the education sector. In a second paragraph is a characterization of the basic education system in the State of Michoacán, focusing on level primary and directed to the ten major cities in the State, for each of the economic regions proposed by the Planning for the Development Coordination of the State of Michoacán(CPLADE). In the third part presents the application of the DEA methodology proposed to the ten cities, seeking to define the levels of efficiency. Finally we show the conclusions reached in the study.

  • María Concepción Martínez Rodríguez
    The education of mexicans from an economic point of view

    Abstract: Is education a public or private good? Enrollment public is equal or greater than enrollment private? Is there relationship between the quality of education and its instruction by the public or private sector? How is distributed the public education financing? These questions are discussed throughout this article, demonstrating with quantities and graphs the behavior of the educational system in Mexico and their results with the PISA´s tests. The aim of this paper is provide an overview of education in Mexico from an economic perspective.

  • Rolando Reynoso Pérez/Roque Juan Carrasco Aquino/Hena Andrés Calderón/Miguel Alvarado Cardona
    The social occupation of space. Capital strategy in the planning of the municipal territory Tlaxco, Tlaxcala

    Abstract: Social occupation of space (to recall the expression of A. Lipietz) gravitates as a strategy that takes the capital in the planning of the municipal territory of Tlaxco and its region, in the state of Tlaxcala. The activities of economic sectors of production: agriculture and forestry; extractive practices of production, distribution, interchanged-commercialization and consumption; industry and trade; migration; population growth and urban development; employ-unemployed; education, health-disease; and others; are a reflection of the environmental problems in the region due to the diverse forms that acquires social occupation of space. This essay explores if: is the current model of capitalist urbanization which directs the different forms of social occupation of space? Or if: is the economic development, as proposes the theory of the agglomeration, which determine the conditions of the various forms of social occupation of space in the central region of the basin of the Zahuapan river? The objective is the analysis of the planning of the territory through the study of different historic forms of social occupation of space in the capitalist context. Antecedents indicate that there has been no studies that take into account the forms of social occupation of space in its different modalities. We concluded that is essential the implementation of sectoral programmes to improve the current conditions of the process of urbanization and quality of life of the population, in corridor Tlaxco, Apizaco and Tlaxcala.

  • Alexander Galicia Palacios/Miguel Flores Ortega
    Alternative production model to characterize the electrical sector in Mexico

    Abstract: This paper presents a model of the production function translog for the electricity sector in Mexico; the procedure to estimate this function is based on a structural analysis of the main features of the neoclassical production function, performs the comparison with the Cobb-Douglas function and assesses empirically the sensitivity of parameters of the function and its relationship with the factors of production. Discusses methods for estimating the translog production function and proposes a general model, based on an inverse function of demand that adds production technology. The production function describes the relationship that exists between the factors of production input levels and output products production levels. Characterized results show that if a statistical analysis presented negative results parametric specification tests have been estimated wrongly.