Número 23, invierno 2010-2011 PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico


Fundamentos y Debate

  • Des Gasper
    El enfoque de seguridad humana como marco para la ética del cambio ambiental global

    Abstract: Human Security-a principle that not concern to national security or security forces-, is the name of a humanistic perspective that, looking trascend the framing based on corporate interests and unilateral interest of U.S., from the Development Report UNDP 1994 Human and increasingly in recent years, has been finding its way into the international border debate in social sciences and strategic analysis about climate change at the UN, beginning with promote an untold language and new ethical code that place as foundation the security of human life and basic needs of people in the XXI century in view of potentially catastrophic impacts of climate change. This essay develops this perspective and debate with Nobel Prize Sen`s capabilities approach.

  • Donald A. Brown
    El deber ético de las naciones para reducir la amenaza del cambio climático

    Abstract: Projecting the position of one of the most serious presenters of environmental ethics in the Clinton Administration, this essay questions the economicist reject to strategic policies about climate change in the U.S. showing that the formulation that will bring harms to employment and economic growth comes from campaigns and studies financed by fossil fuel corporations. Assume that, in the era of globalization, a problem of potentially catastrophic impacts like climate change can not be addressed seriously if the local, national and regional perspectives are not overtaken from a global viewpoint that must come from environmental ethics in XXI century. From here, this essay confirms the significant polarization of positions about climate change that begins to develop in the U.S.

  • Asunción Lera St. Clair
    La necesidad de una visión integral del cambio climático

    Abstract: Collocating as one of its central theses its definition as a matter of peace and security, this essay, prepared by a lead author of the forthcoming 5th Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change of UN, aims to overcome the economicist and politicist perspective that regularly rule the hegemonic conception of climate change. Convoke to develop a new transdisciplinary framing in which climate change must to be view like a civilizatory challenge for the twenty-first century that demands to be addressed from a comprehensive vision and recognize it as a unified problem of development, ethics and justice, to impulse counteract it from principle of human security.

  • Stephen Gardiner
    ¿Es la geoingeniería el “mal menor”?

    Abstract: Arguing with the position of Nobel Prize Paul Crutzen, whom defines the trend of climate change by reducing of its future to the crossroads environmental catastrophe or geoengineering as techno-fix, this essay, written by one of the most prominent american representatives of environmental ethics, prove that this approach, in addition to not explore the potential negative effects of geoengineering, avoid historical-ethical commitment to prevent adverse impacts of climate change. Commitment that is required take to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to finance anti-global warming programs and to restructure international institutions to design strategic policies about climate change with human good as foundation.

Artículos y Miscelánea

  • Enrique Semo
    La Independencia: caminos de una revolución

    Abstract: Going beyond of positivism that treats history as a process of factual events that are added on the basis of a deep disconnection, this paper conceives the Independence as a revolution, as a profound questioning to power networks that originate from the Conquest. What it means (re) define the Revolution as a process of much greater historical scope. To explore this process are discussed here the changes in political, scientific and popular culture that open the paths of revolution of Independence with Enlightenment vision in New Spain, the embodiment in Hidalgo of an enlightened humanism of french origin combined with industrial inventiveness of english origin and is made a fine comparison of the French Revolution and Mexican Independence.

  • Rubén M. Lo Vuolo/Daniel Raventós/Pablo Yanes
    La Renta Básica ante la crisis económica y los derechos sociales

    Abstract: Initiating with signalize the profound negative impact caused by the economic crisis, which has reduced the percentage share of wages in national income and social and labor rights in Europe and Latin America, this essay stresses that, far from being of temporary nature, the current crisis reveals serious structural problems in organization of contemporary societies, which requires serious confrontation with a new development of social rights, in order to guarantee to begin with the right to live and, even more so, the right to an existence worthy, from the basic income as one of its main historical priority.

  • Juan Gaytán/Joel Bonales
    Identificación y relación matemática de los principales factores en la estructura de capital del sector electrónico en Jalisco

    Abstract: Identifying key institutional factors of the host country and the company, as well as, estimating the relationship that each factor carries by incorporating debt capital structure of subsidiaries of multinational companies, was the purpose of this research. The context for this analysis was set using data from 20 subsidiaries of multinational electronic industry in Jalisco, within the period of the year 1995 and 2002. Having found the negative assertion of the real world in the company of a financial regulatory structure, raised us the need to review existing assumptions and theories, postulates and empirical studies with different approaches. The review of theories and empirical studies gave a firm foundation to questions, objectives and challenges that we face. Debt leverage was the dependent variable and the relationship that exert the independent variables conformed by the main institutional factors of the company and the country which were previously were identified, was estimated. The statistical technique used to estimate the relationship, was known as panel data and process information through the electronic E-Views. The estimation of the joint through the technique known as multivariate demanded us a previous exploration of the data using univariate and bivariate analysis. Sorted data, graphs and analysis were used to power the E-Views, and identifying the positive or negative exert the main factors of the company and the country b incorporating capital structure.

  • Samuel Alvarado/Carlos Leyva/Manuel Caro
    Situación actual del mercado de exportación de Yucatán

    Abstract: Yucatan has had a gradual and sustained development in foreign trade throughout history. Currently, industrial diversification, infrastructure available at the output of goods to overseas, as well as the actions of federal and state governments to boost local export supply, have allowed this activity evolves with growing and positive numbers. Examples are: the general increasing trend in the behavior of the total value of exports of Yucatan; the large share in the total value of exports of certain economic subsectors, textiles, dressmaking and jewelry are the principal from 2002 to 2006; and dynamism of exportation shown by the subsectors of furniture, agricultural, jewelry and industrial machinery and equipment. Finally, foreign trade has revitalized much of the Yucatan´s economy, generating substantial foreign exchange flows, mainly from the United States and to a much smaller proportion of European countries.

  • Jorge Gasca Salas
    Trilogía de la «definición del problema» en investigación social

    Abstract: The definition of the investigation problem constitutes a doubly trilogy. On one hand, the delimitation of asking, its character majeutic (the “art of giving to light” of type socratic-heidegerian of asking in general) and, on other hand, the delimitation of pointing out revealing, its heuristic character (the hermeneutic art of “revealing”), both aspects constituted by the trilogy of silogistic type of the nature of the entity that is studied: its level phenomenic, objective and problematic. The reflection developed by means of this report, treats three aspects that frequently are confused and, for it, little worked in the processes of social and philosophical investigation: the hermeneutic and semiotic of the interrogative language, included in what the philosopher Martin Heidegger called “pursuit of the question”, aspect that is analyzed here in his majeutic and heuristic character under a logical distinction of court silogistic and another methodological one enclosed among what is denominated “definition” and “establishment” of the problem.