Número 28, sep-dec 2012 PDF Imprimir Correo electrónico


Foundations and Debate

  • Gordon Welty
    Contribution to critique of Chayanov: Theory of the Familiy Labor Unit

    Abstract: From focusing on questioning the use of neoclassical theory into conceptualization of the peasant farm with the theory of the family as unit labor by Chayanov, this article opens the lookout to critically analyze his postulates about “self-exploitation “, presumed hierarchy largest of demographic differentiation onto social differentiation, the commoditization of economic activities of the peasant farm and its characterization as an economic system of simple reproduction. Welty show that more to offer understanding of peasant society, Chayanov theory should lead to study the social agent that represents.

  • Julio Boltvinik
    Peasant's poverty and persistence

    Abstract: We know that the majority of rural people in the world are poor, but we do not know (or at least there is no consensus) why they are poor and why peasant forms of production persist, the two central questions of the paper. The central thesis is that capitalism cannot exist in pure form in agriculture because of the seasonal nature of work in it, that without the supply of cheap seasonal labour of poor peasants capitalist agriculture would not exist. A review of the international literature (Marxist and non-Marxist) on peasant’s persistence is carried out, particularly texts that seek to explain the presence of obstacles put by agriculture to capitalist penetration. This leads to Marx himself. It is noted that he developed his theory of value and its reproduction schemes only for continuous processes, for which the discontinuity (seasonality) of agricultural labour (which he perceived clearly) was excluded at the theoretical level. To generalize the Marxist theory of value so that it is valid also for discontinuous processes some changes are proposed and the debate with Luis Arizmendi on these changes is described. I describe (and answer) the criticism of several participants in the International Seminar on these issues, which was held in El Colegio de Mexico in March 2012.

  • Miguel Adame
    Internet, urban networks and tecnoglocal capitalism

    Abstract: In this article examines critical manner the meanings more prominents of the expansion of the urbane nets and Internet virtual networks a sort of part of the global-local capitalist domination. The persons and their interactions, circulations, identities and consumptions comprehend in the spaces of fixed and flux a sort of micronodules that navigate and cybernavigate in the cybernetize framework impel for the technologies news and Internet that extend the scopes of hyperreality, cybersociety and cyberculture. The virtual social nets and this integrate subjects, subjectivity, affections and imaginaries in that logic to each other technofetichism and manner vulnerable to posthuman and cyborgs plans. To face a propound: a) perform balancing technointelligent of your alienations or liberations possibilities; b) deeps and reflexives discussions for to reveal the neutralities appearances so then operate and act the capitalists glocal cobwebs; and c) elucidate and strengthen our anthropological integrity.

Articles and Miscellany

  • Miguel Ángel Vite Pérez
    Mexico: An electoral democracy without social representation?

    Abstract: The article aims analyze the sociological meaning of the transition from a hegemonic party system to a hegemonic party system in Mexico. This reflection would construct explanations about the role played by the party form in the reproduction of the weakness of the organizational capacity of Mexican society that is generally illustrated by the organizational experience of the Popular Assembley of Peoples of Oaxaca.

  • Hazael Cerón/Diana Cervantes/Juanita Hernández/
    Edith González/Agustín Ramírez/David Vásquez

    Impacts of diversification of income sources on reducing Mexican households’ inequality

    Abstract: In the absence of competitive markets, the level of welfare understood by income levels and its distribution, as well as the poverty level, are truly alarming in Mexico. Faced with the recent increase in poverty and decrease in inequality, it can be concluded that the decrease in the level of inequality is due by a process of impoverishment. From this conclusion, the question is, what are the strategies followed by Mexican households to survive against this equity by impoverishment. The answer lies in the possibility that households are engaged in other activities in addition to their main activities which usually are wage employments. The subject of this article is relevant, because it provides elements for analyzing how much the process of economic change in Mexico -characterized by the diversification of households’ income sources- contributes to the inequality reduction, since 2000 to 2010. Using the Gini Decomposition method and data from the ENIGH, it determines the positive impact of wages and salaries, social programs and international remittances, on reducing inequality across the country. Self-employment was also an alternative for the reduction of inequality between 2002 and 2006, nevertheless wages and salaries generates the greatest impact on reducing inequality (-6.3%). Finally, we provide options and proposals aimed to reduce inequalities in income distribution, since if we prioritize the economic problems in Mexico, we believe that the principal problem is not wealth creation but its distribution.

  • María del Pilar Peña Cruz/Claudia Paulina Cruz Venegas
    Drug trafficking organized as a business vs talented public safety in Mexico

    Abstract: This article seeks to reflect on drug trafficking business organized as a talented business against public security in Mexico, through a description and detailed analysis. This effort serves to better understand the connection between a successful business and insecurity in Mexico.